Evil Granny: Horror Village

Evil Granny: Horror Village

Have you ever wondered what it feels like to be locked in? In this game you can experience this feeling and try to escape.

The protagonist is an ordinary man who wakes up in a strange land. Apparently, he has been captured by a terrifying madman who has brought him here. You are in a building with many rooms and corridors. All the action takes place in one room.

There, this frightening man captures you and keeps you there until he returns. You have 20 minutes until the time limit. And you can be sure that he will come back at the last minute. So you have to find a way to escape quickly.

We can open the door and escape. But this is not an easy task. Since you don’t have a key, you have to find another way to open the front door. Fortunately, the room is full of different objects that can help you. Complete the missions, solve the puzzles, find the correct codes and the objects you need and complete the missions.

Play without worrying about time, using the hints left for players by the developer. Useful clues found in the building, such as small tiles in locked boxes or unknown words and numbers on the walls.

Can you escape before time runs out? Or is your story over for the day? Find out here.

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